Obedience Training

Obedience Training


Why Obedience Class?

Do People often say the following to you?

"Hey! Who's walking who?"

"That's Ok these paw-prints blend right in with my blouse."

"I hope you didn't want that pot roast!"


Do you often find yourself saying the following?

"Aw, he's a puppy. He'll outgrow it."

"Careful, she's a little hyperactive."

"He can be good when he wants to be."

Obedience Class Information & Schedule

Each session consists of 6 private, 1hour classes.

We teach these commands: sit, stay, down, come, heel & of course not to jump!

We can also help you solve virtually any obedience training problems you may have.


Please call for more information on days available.


Class fees are

$250.00 per 6 week session.

We do require a $50.00 deposit.


We also offer group lessons

Class fees are

$195.00 per 6 week session.

Maximum of 5 dogs per class


Please call our toll free number for more information

